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He is currently assistant professor at Telecom ParisTech and scientific consultant for the CEA Neurospin brain imaging center. My work is on statistical machine learning, signal and image processing, optimization, scientific computing and software engineering with primary applications in brain functional imaging (MEG, EEG, fMRI). Before joining Telecom ParisTech, I worked at the Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging at Harvard in Boston, and for five years at INRIA in the Parietal Project Team and the Athena Project Team. I am also an active member of the Center for Data Science at Université Paris-Saclay.

Alexandre Gramfort


MNE Python: sensor- and source-space analysis of M-EEG data

MNE ( is a software package for processing magnetoencephalography (MEG) and electroencephalogra-phy (EEG) data. It provides a comprehensive workflow for data preprocessing, forward modeling (with FreeSurfer) using boundary element models (BEM), source imaging using distributed source models, time–frequency analysis, non-parametric and multivariate statistics, decoding and connectivity measures. All analyses can be conducted either in the sensor or in the source space. The aim of this tutorial is to present what MNE can do starting from raw data using the Python programming language. The tutorial will be hands on based on IPython notebooks so the attendees can run the full analysis on their machines and experiment with the tool, eventually on their own MEG or EEG data.


08:30 :: Registration

09:00 :: Introduction to MEG, EEG and MNE

Content :

 - Lecture on MEG/EEG basics (physics, acquisition, signals vs. noise)

Objectives :

- Have the background on MEG/EEG signals and electrophysiology

- Discover what is MNE (origin, project, people)

- Setup MNE-C & Looking at raw data with with mne_browse_raw (use interactive SSPs, set filtering parameters)

- Identifying what is signal and what is artifacts

11:00 :: Sensor space analysis with MNE

10:30 :: Coffee Break

Content :

 - Hands-on with MNE-Python and jupyter notebook

Objectives :

-- From Raw to Evoked
- Scripting preprocessing (filtering, artifact rejection, maxwell filter)
- Visualization of Raw, Epochs and Evoked data

12:30 :: Lunch Break

13:30 :: Source localization basics: MNE/dSPM

Content :

 - Quick lecture on MEG/EEG source localization methods

  (theory behind noise covariance and minimum norm, source spaces)
- Hands-on with notebook

Objectives :

-- Do a coregistration with mne_analyze
- Freesurfer cortical source spaces visualization with freeview
- BEM / Forward modeling
- Do noise covariance estimation & inspection 
- Inverse operators to STC
- Viewing STCs with mne_analyze and scripting in python to make nice figures

15:00 :: Coffee Break

15:30 :: Source localization basics (continued)

Content :

 - Hands-on with notebook

Objectives :

- Beyond cortical source spaces (volume, discrete)
- Beamformers on volume grid
- Dipole fitting


09:00 :: Decoding / Machine Learning with MEG/EEG

Content :

- Lecture on introduction to machine learning and decoding on MEG/EEG
- Hands-on using MNE and Scikit-Learn

Objectives :

- Understand what is decoding. Pro and cons.
- Know how to use MNE-Python decoding module and scikit-learn to do time by time decoding and time generalization

11:00 :: Time-frequency Analysis

10:30 :: Coffee Break

Content :

- Lecture on time-frequency analysis (power spectrum density estimation, induced activity, ERS, ERD)
- Hands-on with MNE-Python

Objectives :

- Know the different strategies to highlight time-frequency content in MEG/EEG data

  (Welch method, Morlet wavelets, Multi-taper)
- Know how to baseline such data

12:30 :: Lunch Break

13:30 :: Independent Component Analysis (ICA)

Content :

- Short lecture on ICA
- Hands-on with MNE-Python

Objectives :

- Understand the basic theory behind ICA
- Know how to correct MEG/EEG biological artifacts with ICA

15:00 :: Coffee Break

15:30 :: Reporting and presenting your neuroscience results

Content :

- Presentation of the mne-report tool
- Presentation of matplotlib to make publication ready figures
- Questions time

Setting up your system

Download and install MNE following the instructions at:

You’ll need a Linux or Mac to have the MNE-C working but you’ll be able to do most of the course with a windows machine.

Download and install Anaconda with Python 2.7:

Install mayavi:

    conda install mayavi

Install the latest mne-python release and pysurfer by running in a terminal:
pip install --user mne
     pip install --user pysurfer
     pip install –user nibabel


Download MNE sample data (auditory), SPM faces data, and MNE somato data by running the following 3 examples: o_evoked.html equency_sensors.html ataset.html


Download MNE command line tools for Linux or for Mac (only sorry)

For additional information you may contact

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